Ahh, the feeling of a dive mask that just fits perfectly on the face and doesn’t get foggy during the dive, a BCD that suits and has all the right features, fins with a comfortable fit and makes your kicking style more efficient. Owning your own equipment can have many benefits including suitability, fit and comfort. Owning a full set of equipment may seem like quite an achievement to many, but in the long run, it’s an amazing investment. You will feel more confident and comfortable on your dives.
Investing in good quality equipment can be a process over a period of time, but if you’re looking into getting a good head start, then start with the basics. A mask (with snorkel) that has the right fit on your face is most divers top priority, and for good reason. There are a lot of different masks to choose from, so make sure you pick the one that is just right for you: Fit & comfort is top priority. Besides owning your own mask and snorkel, it is highly recommended to have a personal dive computer. Most new models come in a wide range of colours and styles and there is a wide variety available. From more simple models where you can see the basics (dive depth, no stop limit, water temperature and dive time) to the more advanced models, where you can set your personal profile and preferences. A dive computer is an essential piece of equipment that makes dive planning super easy. Even when diving with a dive computer, remember to be conservative and not to follow your dive computer blindly (no stop limits). After all, you’re the one responsible for staying within your personal limits as well as the limits of the training you’ve been given.
Having your own pair of fins that fits perfectly on your feet is just as important as having a good pair of shoes. Fins need to be comfortable, powerful and they need to help you keep a good kicking style. Fins take up a bit more room in your suitcase, but they can save you from having unwanted blisters. There is a great variety in sizes (length of the fins) and weight of the fins that will benefit different dive circumstances.
What may put many divers off from investing in their own equipment, can be the idea of having to travel with it. Nowadays, many manufacturers offer travel-friendly lightweight equipment. Buoyancy Control Device (BCD) and regulator sets can both be found in travel versions. BCD’s also come in a variety of models and styles, that have the right lifting capacity and features for the type of diving you want to do and your body shape. It’s important to get familiar and confident with all the features such as weight systems (belt, trim pockets, quick release pockets), pockets for storage and placement of D-rings just to name a few.
Regulator sets can be modified and put together for your liking, so pick a good quality brand and remember to get a regulator suitable for the diving you’re doing – warm and/or cold water. Also bear in mind what service centre is located near you, so it’s easy to get your regulator serviced annually.
There are many benefits of having your own equipment: Perfect, comfortable fitting equipment that you are familiar with, will make your dives more enjoyable and you will be avoiding fees on rental equipment as well. Further, you’ll look super cool 😉
Need help picking the right equipment? We will happily help you find just what you’re looking for. So drop us a text/chat or, even better: visit our shop to test the equipment. All 4 Diving offers a wide range of equipment from quality brands, including Aqualung, Tusa, Suunto & Scubapro. Our selection of equipment includes masks/snorkels, booties/fins, BCD’s, regulator sets, wetsuits and many different dive accessories such as dive computers, torches & pointers. You can also read more about the dive gear review here.